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Monday, November 8, 2010

Journey to Wellness

While I try to make sure my kids eat healthy and get plenty of exercise, I don't always set a good example.  It's the old "Do What I Say and Not as I Do" that comes into play more often than not.  They are young now but soon they will be old enough to judge me for the hypocrite I am and call me on it. Because why should they eat their fruit and veggies when mom is sneaking chocolate chip cookies? There I said it, I'd rather eat a cookie, any cookie (except maybe ginger) than a piece of fruit. 

Which is why I admire Lynn from Walking with Scissors for starting on her Quaker Journey to Wellness.  She saw a need to make healthier lifestyle changes for both her and her family and is now committed to meeting new challenges each month.  Quaker believes the journey to health and wellness is not an all or nothing effort.  It's more about taking care of yourself, making positive changes to all aspects of our lifestyle such as stress management, healthy eating, increasing our physical activity etc. Which is why Quaker has invited Lynn to document her family's journey to improve their lifestyle.

I think my own personal challenge this month would be to eat less processed/pre-packaged food.  There is no reason why I can't take the half hour it requires to bake a batch of cookies, muffins or even my own granola bars rather than purchasing them. Not only will I be controlling what goes into my family's mouths but I will be saving money.  It also helps that I can often sneak in an extra serving of veggies or fruit into those tasty snacks.  Sure it will require a little extra planning but the savings and health benefits will be worth it.

Sometimes to make changes all we need is a little inspiration and for me often other bloggers provide that inspiration.  So I'd suggest you check out Lynn and her family's journey at Journey to Wellness.  There are weekly and monthly prizes you could win simply by voting on a weekly poll, commenting on a post or suggesting a tip for Lynn.  Plus each month we get to vote on what challenges we'd like Lynn to take for that month. 

What steps are you and your family taking towards a more healthier lifestyle?

Disclosure ***I am participating in the Quaker Journey to Wellness program by Mom Central on behalf of Pepsi Co. I received a gift card as a thank you for my participation. The opinions on this blog are my own.


  1. That sounds awesome. Good luck! I changed a lot of my family's eating habits because of the boys. I felt I was responsible for their health as well as my own. Being the model sometimes sucks.

  2. That is awesome that you are doign this program! It sounds fantastic. I am guilty of "Do what I say, not what I do" also... This past month has been horrible because I've had pneumonia, but we are definitely getting back on track! The first step is keeping hubby out of the grocery shopping... LOL

  3. Ahhh...good for you mama! I think we have all had to admit to the hypocrisy of parenting (on at least one occassion). I would much rather have a gooey, hot choc chip cookie than say a bowl of broccoli..who wouldn't? But I guess it is our job as the mama to lead our kiddos down the healthier path. Way to go!


  4. I am trying moderation. Now that the soccer season is over - we will definitely be eating more balanced home-cooked meals - and I love Quaker Oats Granola Bars (you can find that recipe on my recipe page). You stuff enough chocolate in it - and it is totally yum! And healthy yum! Well - maybe not as healthy!


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