; window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-6252405-9'); In the Mommy Trenches: It's Here, It's Here, It's Really Really Here!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It's Here, It's Here, It's Really Really Here!

It's my SITS day.  It's My SITS day. Yes it is.  Oh right, you guys totally can't hear me singing that out or the crazy little happy dance I'm doing right now.  The happy dance?  Much like the pee pee dance... only much less urgent.

So now that you know that I'm thrilled and excited to have you all here on my SITS day, I'd like to say


Grab a cookie

And Something Warm

and stay awhile.

For those of you that may not know about SITS, The Secret to Success is Support is a group of more than 8000 bloggers dedicated to supporting one another by leaving comments.  Lots of comments.  Even more than just that, SITS has become a tremendous resource centre where we can not only find our "tribe" but learn all sorts of tips and tricks on ways to improve our blogging skills.   

I am in essence a mommy blogger.  That's to say I'm a mom and I blog.  While many of my posts may be about my kids, you are just as likely to find me sharing a rant, recipes, a craft, or even the odd review or giveaway.  I also have another blog called Movie Mamma where I review movies coming out on DVD.  Oh did I mention I own a video store?  I actually owned two but sold one last year when we relocated to a new community and now am kinda sorta working with my husband.  Kinda sorta because I've already got a full time gig being a mom and it's just so hard to find time to work. Thank goodness my husband is understanding and he brings the work home. ;)

I am an anonymous blogger which is a nice way of saying I'm a big chicken and don't want people to find out what I've been saying about them without fear of reprisals.  That and something personal of me goes into my writing and while I may not mind sharing my inner thoughts and strange ponderations with you all, I am reluctant to for those that personally know me to have access to them.  More often than not my blog is the place I turn to when things aren't going all that well and well I guess it's like my own little secret garden.

My pseudonym, Zeemaid, stems from an earlier (pre children) addiction to SIMS.  After I googled all the cheats and made my characters all fabulously wealthy, I created a maid character to clean up after the little slobs. Of course, I dressed her in a French maid uniform, adopted a French accent and called her Zee Maid.  How appropriate for these days of being a SAHM where most days I do indeed feel like Zee Maid around here. 

So poke around, read a post or two and you will get the gist of who Zeemaid is.  There is more about me under the About Me tab and some of my more memorable posts under the Favourite Posts tab.  Thanks so much for stopping by.  I really am looking forward to reading and responding to all of your comments.

I think there is an old saying out there that says to "always leave them laughing".  And so with that I leave you with the following three post:

Have a great and blessed day!


  1. Oh, that's a hilarious story of your pseudo name ;)

  2. Happy SITS Day! I so envy your annonymous blog! I hope you have a great day and meet lots of great new friends!

  3. I'm a mom blogger who wrote her first novel, got a literary agent, and is currently submitting said novel to publishers, so I just want to give you a shout! I'm here for support if you need me...not surprisingly, I found you on SITS!

  4. Stopping from SITS! I started blogging for the same reasons you did.

  5. Happy SITS Day!
    I blog anonymously as well and I'm very glad I've gone that route.
    I got such a kick out of your Wife vs. Husband post - very clever way to put it.
    I chronicled my hubs 5 top offenses in a post called "Advice from and Old-er Married Broad"
    Feel free to check it out:


    Enjoy your day in the spotlight!

  6. I love how you came up with the name Zeemaid! I feel like zee maid all the time. ;) Congrats on your SITS day!

  7. I love the sims!!! New follower! Looking forward to reading your blog :)

  8. Congratulations on your big day!! The link from SITS didn't work for me, so you might want to test it out and ask the ladies to fix it. Or maybe it's just me!

  9. I love your blog banner art. So cool! Popping over from SITS and happy to be a fellow Jane Austen Fan!

  10. Happy SITS day!!!

    I wish I had kept myself anonymous. I was at first and then I changed it. Why I have no idea!

    Congrats again!!

  11. Happy SITS day from one mommy blogger to another. Have a great day!

  12. Congrats to a fellow mommy in the trenches on her sits day!
    And don't worry about letting people see what you say. You should unveil yourself! It's liberating!
    Stopped by from SITS.

  13. Happy SITS Day to you!

    Thanks for the cookie ;) And I used to love SIMS too. Now I have no time. Boo.

  14. So exciting that it's your SITS day - congrats!! I even learned something new - why you are Zee Maid! I used to be addicted to my SIMS games!! Have a wonderful day. :)

  15. Congrats on your SITS day! Hope you enjoy it.

  16. Stopping by from SITS.

    I love what you wrote about being an anonymous blogger. It's nice to see that you don't have to lay every detail of life out there to be successful!

  17. Super cute. Interesting that you have a video store? I don't see many of those around any more.

  18. Ha! I love the story about Zee Maid! And isn't it the truth that we moms end up being Zee Maid?!

    I would have loved for my blog to be anonymous from all my family. But when I started it I didn't realize that I'd want that. I totally understand why you wanted to do it!


  19. Stopping by to wish you a very HAPPY SITS DAY! You have an awesome blog! :)

  20. It's really here!! Congrats on your big, BIG day! (I keep thinking my turn should roll around soon.) I, too, am a mom of 3 - interesting isn't, it?

  21. I love how you came up with ZeeMaid. Happy SITS Day!

  22. Zeemaid-cute! I feel like "zee maid"! Anonymous blogging has it's perks. I never started out that way, but It hink it's half hard to find me? Who knows? Stopping by for your speical day! Congrats! :)

  23. Congrats on your SITS day! I'm afraid though if I was doing the happy dance...it would still turn out to be a pee pee dance.

  24. Really enjoyed the post "Husband vs Wife". Congratulations on your special day!

  25. I'm right there with you chica. I love blogging anonymously! hehe, I love the story of the pseudonym.

  26. happy sits day! i just have to go read the 'poop diaries' and hope that it is all i dream it to be...;)


    stuff and nonsense

  27. You are smart to blog anonymously. I have upset a couple family members - even when I wasn't talking about them, but they thought I was!

  28. So Zee... are you still wearing that French maid uniform?? I loved that line that your husband brings his work home - very funny! I can tell I'm gonna like your blog (visiting from SITS)!

  29. Happy SITS Day! Definitely going to check out the Poop Diaries...

  30. Pre-child I was a SIMS addict too! It's weird, isn't it? A game where you basically do all the boring day to day crap with your sims, all the while ignoring the boring day to day crap in your life you're supposed to be doing. HA!

    Thanks for the cookie. Enjoy your big day!

  31. Happy SITS day! I've always wondered what I could say if I was anonymous! Some things just have to be off limits because I'm not. Look forward to poking around!

  32. Have a wonderful SITS day - I was LOLing at the poop story - SO been there!! And the super spy - I too love to torture and torment my children!

  33. Happy Happy SITS Day to you!! I have really enjoyed looking around your blog :)

  34. Bonjour Zeemaid,

    J'adore votre blog. Congratulations on your SITS day!

    I appreciate your honesty in your "Reflections on 3 Years" post about the lessons you've learned through parenting. I suspect that I too may also be a (bit of a) whiner. Actually, I know that I am. (-:

    I find your examples of what you hate about parenting refreshing. It can be a real challenge for me to deal w. my kids in public too, (especially the super marche!) ... it can get overwhelming esp. when we're all tired & hungry.

    Anyway...bon chance with your blog, enjoy your big day. (-:

    - Ado

  35. Congrats on your SITs day. SIMS ::sigh:: what a blast from the past. I was completely addicted for a good 6 months.

  36. Congrats on your SITS day! Hope your day is filled with lots of comment love.

    How cool it must be to have your own video store - that's what I call on demand!

    Michelle @ http://greenearthbazaar.com ~ fellow SITS Girl ;)

  37. OK, there we go. Tried to comment earlier but couldn't get the comments to load. Anyway... hope you enjoy your day!

    Have enjoyed visiting your blog and reading. I can so relate to trying to stay sane some days, especially lately with a 6-month-old who appears to be somewhat "high needs" from what I've read...

    I'm following you through GFC! I'm new to SITS but it has been lots of fun learning about other bloggers and visiting new blogs. I hope you will come link a recipe at our Monday parties and if you have one that has been the most popular in our Star Recipes Collection party!

  38. A fellow SIMS addict - hurrah! Or should I say: I was a SIMS addict BEFORE I had kids. Now the idea of pretending to take care of a house in my free time sounds insane :-)

    Love your blog -- and your reasons for being anonymous! I'd be a LOT more honest if I hadn't put my name to my posts.

    Look forward to reading more!

  39. Happy SITS day! I love SIMS too. I write under a pseudonym for SOME degree of privacy, but so many of my friends and family now know about my blog...it would be really great to be completely anonymous.

  40. Visiting you from SITS! Im a sucker for SIMS! :-) enjoy your day.

  41. Congrats! I also blog anonymously. Glad I'm not the only one! Love the title of Zee Maid. Very clever.

  42. Happy SITS Day! I think you made a good case in your Wive v. Hubby post. ;)

  43. Have a great SITS day! I look forward to looking around :)

  44. I love how you describe yourself as an anonymous blogger-- hilarious! I wouldn't say chicken though. I imagine it's quite freeing to write about whatever the heck you want!

    Happy SITS day!

    Melissa from adventuroo.com

  45. Happy Sits Day! Great blog. I am a follower now!

  46. YAY YAY It's Your DAY. You are so funny. I'm envious.

  47. Wow! That's supercool having a video store! Gotta say I'm loving your blog...great design and even more your writting style rocks!

    Happy SITS DAY girlfriend! Glad I found you :-)


  48. Have a great SITS Day! I'm going to go check out your blog. Not being anonymous is a bummer when you want to rant about relatives or friends! LOL ... lucky you!

  49. OK! Finally made it here (as having trouble earlier getting the comments to load). Your novel is going to be published someday... I just know it after reading your blog! You have a great imagination and sense of humor.

    I take it from your Wife vs. Husband post that you are totally anonymous... even your husband does not read your blog! LOL Great way to be able to vent without hurting anyone's feelings or affecting how others see the person who's the topic of the vent!

    Enjoyed visiting and hope you have a fun SITS day!

  50. Congratulations on your SITS day! I just found this group a couple of days ago. ... I am having some warm coffee ... I would love one of those cookies!

    Following you ...

  51. I loved learning more about you on this post! CONGRATS on your SITS day!!

  52. Happy SITS Day! Hope you are enjoying it! I tried to play SIMS a couple times but failed miserably! LOL!

  53. Such freedom in anonymity. I wish I had not shared my blog with the few people in my life who know about it. Sometimes I have to censor what I say. Happy SITS day!

  54. Congratulations on your SITS day! I've been a follower for a long time. :-)

  55. Have a wonderful SITS day! Enjoyed visiting your fun blog - thanks for sharing your life :)

  56. Happy SITS Day! I hope your novel comes to fruition! I used to write poetry and it was a way to keep sane.

  57. Some days I wish I was an anonymous blogger when I want to get something off my chest.

    Happy SITS day, enjoy!

  58. Fun about your pseudo name. I guess I'm "kind of, sort of anonymous). LOL. Enjoy your SITS day. Nice to meet you.

  59. Hiiii!! I love your sense of humor!! I got married recently and we cannot WAIT to start a family :) I LOVE reading your entries about all your mommy adventures!

    Thanks SO much!
    -Jess @Our Side of Paradise [nileandjess.wordpress.com]

  60. Happy SITS!! I'm new to SITS...but I think it is a lovely idea! And no, I'm not British... :)

    Also, about that cookie. I gave up "dessert" for March...so....yah. Tonight will be a challenge, to say the least :)


  61. I blog under a fake name as well. Sometimes it causes a bit of an awkward thing, but for the most part I am really relieved to have it!

  62. Happy SITS day!! Woop Woop!!! I found you clear back in our SITS tribe...so I consider you one of my girls!!! Enjoy your day!!

  63. Happy SITS day! been a follower for a while =)

  64. I love that your blog URL is based on a Sims character! I considered calling my self "Mimi" after Mimi Landgrabb, but I decided against it. :) Congrats on your SITS day!

  65. *sigh* I miss the Sims sometimes...

    Congratulations on your SITS day!

  66. Congrats on your SITS day. After all that dancing I hope you get to relax with a cuppa and a cookie.

  67. Haha Zeemaid, I love it!! Great blog, and congratulations on your SITS day!

  68. zeemaid - lol! love it! happy sits day.

  69. zeemaid - lol! love it! happy sits day.

  70. Congrats! Enjoy your SITS day! Come visit after you get over the excitement lol

  71. Happy SITS day!!! Zeemaid cracks me up :-)

    Just Like June

  72. I love your alter-ego name. Very clever. From time to time I wish I had remained anonymous, especially when I remember that my husband's family reads my blog.

  73. Happy SITS day! I love your nick name! I blog under a puedo name too. I'm a new follower and can't wait to read more!

  74. Happy SITS day!! I hope it was as fabulous as you dreamed it would be!!

    --The Drama Mama

  75. Happy SITS day! Fun story behind your pseudonym.

  76. Happy SITS day! congrats and love the blog!!!

  77. Look at all these comments! I can say "I knew her when . . . " Great post.

  78. Happy SITS day to you! Just wanted to stop by and say hi. :) Hope you are enjoying your special day.

  79. You are my new inspiration. How do you do it all? I have one toddler and I'm going crazy. Please, please enlighten me great one and I will dedicate a thousand 'not worthy's to you.

  80. Happy SITS Day! I'm late to the game, which is nothing new, nor surprising, given my post today! I'm anonymous too, but your pseudonym is way more fun than mine!

  81. BIG CONGRATULATIONS! I don't know how I missed it! I hope your day in the spotlight was magnificent! I am soooooooo excited for you!

  82. BIG CONGRATULATIONS! I don't know how I missed it! I hope your day in the spotlight was magnificent! I am soooooooo excited for you!

  83. I know that I am really late! But I saw you were the feature and kept meaning to stop by. I haven't been by in a long time and wanted to say congrats and revisit with you! I hope you had a great SITS day!


Thanks for leaving a comment. I love hearing from you.