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Thursday, April 30, 2009

New Followers

I noticed that I have two new followers who either don't have a blog or it's viewable only by invite.  So I wanted to say hello and welcome to Spearmint Baby and oops the other follower dropped out so we're back to just the one.  EDIT:  I figured it out the other site.   It's Snugglepotandcuddlepie.  Thanks for following. 

Normally I'd visit any new followers and leave a comment or follow them back when I stop by their page.  If you are a follower and I haven't visited your page, please let me know and I will make an extra effort to stop by your site. 

I won't be posting today as we have another showing.  We had one on Monday which was a bust so hopefully tomorrow's will be better.  It's our own realtor that's showing the house so at least you know that they are familiar with the house and aren't showing a large house to someone who wants a small one.  DUH. 

Anyways, hope you all have a great Thursday. 



  1. Me too. crossing fingers and toes!

  2. You're so sweet to post that for new followers. Good luck on the showing.

  3. Best wishes for a showing... and a sale... I have a couple of followers whom I can't track back either... such a bummer.


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