We had a lovely Valentines day. My hubby let me sleep in and only woke me up when breakfast was ready. When I got to the table these were waiting for me. Notice the kisses nestled inside. This is a standing joke for my husband and I, when we just "friends" 11 or so years ago, I happened to threw a hershey's chocolate at him and asked him if he wanted a kiss. Well, you could literally see the five shades of red he went. He thought I meant a real kiss. He was a little shy in those days). So 10 years later we have been continually exchanging "kisses" on every special occasion.
These are what we got the kids. Each girl got a Dora purse. I just thought they were so pretty. They are metal and have a clasp. We put a few candies and stickers in there for them. I hate buying those small commercial candies that they do up for the holidays now. Have you tasted the chocolate in there? It tastes like crap, not to mention all the chemicals. So I splurge a little and buy a few better quality chocolates now.
And of course, O got the cars tin. He just loves Cars.
Party Update.
We had a nice time. Supper was nice. We got a little behind. My sil while being prepared in some areas was completely unprepared in others. But lets not gripe about that. I think they all had a nice time and the kids sure loved my chocolate fondue dessert.
It was funny, My niece and nephew had dove right in before I had gotten back to the table and they were using the little spoons to scoop chocolate all neatly onto their plates. I took up a fondue fork, speared a creampuff and said to my nephew "This is how you do it." dipped my fork and creampuff into the chocolate, swirled it, pulled out a completely chocolately covered puff out and his eyes just about bugged out and he said "cool" in an aw inspired breath. He thought it was one classy dessert. I just about laughed at his expression. Later my husband said to me, you know nephew was really impressed with it when he was done and he was getting up from the table and said "Thank you Aunty."
My mom liked the memory tree quilt. It turned out nice. My mom is not overly gushy about things, but she did say it turned out nice and thank you. So... although her next words out of her mouth were... where did you get the panel? Of course, being an avid sewer herself she's been to all the stores up and down our island and I'm sure she's thinking how come she never come across something like this before. But I had another source, heh heh... Ebay.
Thank God for e-Bay!