; window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-6252405-9'); In the Mommy Trenches: 2018

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

5 Easy Christmas Crafts to Make With Your Children

Here are 5 of the easiest and prettiest Christmas crafts for you to make and enjoy with your family.  Nothing is more heart-warming than a Christmas ornament crafted with love.

5 Easy Christmas Crafts to Make With Your Children

A recent trip to the ER with my son and a sprained foot meant that he's been tied to the couch with his foot propped up all day.  To combat boredom and prevent the T.V. from being on the entire time, I have had to think on my feet and pull activities out of my mom bag.

If you're organized, this may not be so hard to do.  If you are more like me, who has recently purged all her craft supplies and a lot are packed up due to a laundry room reno, you will be scrambling.  Never, fear.  The internet to the rescue.  Here are a few of the easiest Christmas crafts I've found that needed little supplies.

Yarn Wrapped Star at Live Laugh Rowe

This Christmas craft was really easy and turned out super cute using just a spare piece of cardboard and leftover yarn.   I didn't bother with the glue, we just poked a hole through the top of the cardboard and after tying a knot in the yarn we pulled it through to secure it.  This craft only took about 5 to 10 minutes to do which was just long enough to keep his interest and yet turned out a decent craft at the same time.

Image from Live Laugh Rowe

Mini Yarn Hat Ornaments by Easy Peasy and Fun

If you have a December baby and are looking for an easy Christmas craft to do at their birthday party - this is it.  I have done countless crafts at birthdays over the years only to sincerely regret my choices.  This craft was super easy.  All you need to do is prep the cardboard rings and cut the string to the correct length ahead of time.  The girls sat quietly chatting while they worked on this craft listening to music.  It turned out super cute.

Image from Easy Peasy and Fun

Tissue Paper Wreath by Happiness is Homemade

Making tissue paper crafts is super nostalgic for me.  There is something satisfying about gluing and placing all those little squares of tissue.  A little more prep work for this craft but still super easy and few supplies needed.  Cardboard, tissue paper, and glue.  That's it. I would love to see this done in different colors.

Image from Happiness is Homemade

Easy Yarn Ornaments on Up Craft Club

These ornaments may look like they take some work but they are easier than making pom-poms.  I kid you not.  I have a ton of leftover yarn and can't wait to make these beautiful decorations.  The secret is scrunched up newspaper to create the form so you use less wool and it's less heavy as well.  Genius!

Image from Up Craft Club via Lissana

Yarn Ball Ornaments by All Things G&D

Another easy to do ornament using leftover yarn.  If you don't mind the mess of glue - you're little ones will surely love it.  Super simple to do.  You just need a few balloons, some yarn and a spot to hang the ornaments up to dry.  Whatever size you choose to make - these are sure to look lovely on the tree or as a hanging garland.

Image from All Things G&D

What are your favorite Christmas crafts to do with kids?

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Why You Need to Support Small Business Saturday

Small Business Saturday
Did you know that it's Small Business Saturday today?  Every year, it falls on the day after Black Friday as a way of continuing the sales and getting the word out to consumers to support small business owners.

Why You Need to Support Small Business Saturday

Small businesses:  
  • form the backbone of our economy providing valuable services to consumers;
  • support the community by hiring employees; 
  • donate to causes like local charities and school fundraisers; 
  • support the local economy by spending their earnings in their communities;  and
  • help create a vision for the future of a community. 
I never intended to be a small business owner and actually fell into it rather by chance.  I had actually trained as a legal assistant and worked as one for 13 years when I became pregnant with my first child.  As always, life happens and circumstances change so I was glad when the opportunity came up for me to have my own small business and yet contribute to the family income at the same time. 

Running my own small business allowed me to stay home with my three children.  When my oldest daughter was diagnosed with autism, I was able to cut back my hours so as to be able to take her to the therapies and support she needed.  Many times over the past few years, I have wondered how I would have been able to get my daughter to her therapies if I didn't have freedom in my work schedule.  I am sure any parent of a special needs child can relate. 

So when my daughter developed anxiety in the school system and needed more support, being my own boss, enabled me to make the choice to homeschool.  

My son tells me he's glad that I am home.  He feels secure in the knowledge that he knows where I am or will be.  That I will be there for him when he gets home. He won't need that security forever but for now, I can give that to him. 

Being a small business owner gives me that freedom! 

So I would urge you to look around and if there's some way you can, support a small business owner whether it's online or in a physical store.  You will not only have made their day but you have no idea what their personal circumstances are and what it means to have people support them. 

If you get good service - shout it from the mountain tops!  Let your friends and family know.  You just may have saved someone's marriage, been the means of a child getting to dance or one step closer to being debt free. 

In honour of Small Business Saturday - I am offering free standard shipping on my Black Friday special. Click Black Friday Deals

Aromaease - Enjoy the Ride

Friday, November 23, 2018

You Need to Take Advantage of These 2 Essential Oil Deals

I'm offering my own Black Friday flash sale on the Young Living Premium Starter Kit. This is the kit that changed my family's health!!

Black Friday Deals - You Won't Want to Miss

This is for those of you who haven't yet taken the oily plunge! 🌿 Today is your day!! You can grab your Premium Starter Kit PLUS get a $25.00 Amazon Gift Card!! All for the price of $160 US or $199.75 CAD



If you're ready to sign up: https://tinyurl.com/ycw49jzt

Plus you'll receive a welcome package! How great would that be for Christmas!!


You could take extra advantage of this Black Friday deal and get two diffusers in this package deal Young Living has created just for this sale!


Order this two diffuser kit and I'll send you not only a welcome package full or recipes and tips for using your oils but I'll also send you a reference guide - 150 Uses Fast and Fabulous from Life Science Publishing!

Why do we love this kit so much? Let me break it down for you: 

LAVENDER - Best sleep ever AND peaceful kiddos and mamas! 🌿

LEMON - This is a “cleansing” or “clearing” oil which is amazing for supporting wellness, but also awesome for the emotions. 🍋

FRANKINCENSE - This is a very “grounding” oil. Grounding oils are calming and bring down thoughts and emotions. 💗

THIEVES - This is the oil for a big ‘ol immunity support! You can use this proactively before you start the school day. 👊

PANAWAY - This is a great oil for so many things! Growing pains, after workout soreness, clumsy issues etc. PanAway is where it’s at!

DIGIZE - The BEST tummy oil! 💩

COPAIBA - This is an overall great oil and it’s kind of sneaky because it gets lost in the mix of oils!!! It’s great to support immunity overall. 😍

CITRUS FRESH - This is the oil for all the smells. Used for emotional support and for uplifting on hard and stressful days! Also, a really great compliment to lemongrass with stinky athletes! 🍊

RAVEN - This is the oil AMAZING rolled onto the chest during the fall and winter months! Also diffuse for a refreshing, calming aroma. 👃

PEPPERMINT - Not only does Peppermint Vitality help with digestion, it’s an AMAZING after dinner mint! Take in a capsule, or simply put a drop on your tongue! 👅

STRESS AWAY - Roll onto the wrists and neck for calming and relaxing

Share this amazing deal with your friends!! Friends don't let friends NOT be oily!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

4 Easy Ways to Avoid the Winter Clutter That Drives You Crazy

These tips are how I organize our winter gear so as to avoid the clutter that seems to happen just by having kids.


5 Easy Ways to Avoid the Winter Clutter That Drives You Crazy

Sunday, October 28, 2018

5 Simple Steps to Amazing Cranberry Sauce

We recently had Thanksgiving in Canada this month and as I do every year, I pulled out this old post to refresh my memory on how to make my cranberry sauce.  I thought since the American Thanksgiving was coming up soon, that it would be nice to re-share this classic Thanksgiving recipe!

Cranberry sauce is one of those things that you either love or hate.  Kind of like mince pies.  My reluctance to eat cranberry sauce myself could stem from my own youthful memories. My mother, not a fan of it either, would grudgingly serve it by dumping a can of cranberry sauce into a dish and placing it on the table.  It would sit there, rings and all in a jelled mass. She didn't so much as mash it into the bowl. Nothing looks so unappetizing as seeing a jellied mound of red stuff with can rings. 

Saturday, October 20, 2018

6 Tips to Finding Joy As a Mom of Special Needs

One of my biggest struggles over the past few years has been finding my joy.  I think a lot of us mothers feel this way regardless of whether we're working in the home or out of it. Whether our children are neuro-typical or special needs. Too often, we feel overwhelmed and stressed by the number of things that are on our plates. 

I have been reading more and more posts about how moms are so stressed.  I find myself nodding wholeheartedly in agreement and tagging my husband in posts because he just doesn't seem to get the mental strain of being the one to juggle all the balls in the air.  My husband is amazing, he really is and is always willing to pitch in.  He's just not pro-active about it. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

So Much More than a Box of Oils - Premium Starter Kit Sale

Fall signifies a transformation in many aspects – from shorter days to cooler temperatures and warmer drinks. The season is full of changing attitudes, agendas and aspirations! As kids go back to school, you can kick off your own season of learning and growth by getting back to the basics, setting goals and exploring new opportunities that come in your Premium Starter Kit (PSK)!

Between September 11-30, 2018, begin your whole-life wellness journey with 10% off a Canadian Premium Starter Kit (PSKs)! From pure essential oils and blends to plant-based, oil-infused essentials, the PSK unpacks the everyday products you need to reveal a strong foundation of green living for yourself, your home and your family. After all, the PSK is so much more than just a box of oils; it’s an opportunity for a new beginning.

Qualifying Premium Starter Kits

Sale wholesale: $179.77
Sale retail: ER exclusive*
Sale PV: 90.00

Regular wholesale: $199.75 Regular retail: ER exclusive*
Regular PV: 100.00
Sale wholesale: $179.77
Sale retail: ER exclusive*
Sale PV: 90.00

Regular wholesale: $199.75
Regular retail: ER exclusive*
Regular PV: 100.00
Sale wholesale: $179.77
Sale retail: ER exclusive*
Sale PV: 90.00

Regular wholesale: $199.75
Regular retail: ER exclusive*
Regular PV: 100.00
Sale wholesale: $179.77
Sale retail: ER exclusive*
Sale PV: 90.00

Regular wholesale: $199.75
Regular retail: ER exclusive*
Regular PV: 100.00
Whether you are interested in natural wellness and living free of harsh chemicals, are brand new to essential oils, a long-time member or both, there’s no better time than now to discover the opportunities for a healthier, greener lifestyle.

Available in Canada Only. 


Wednesday, July 4, 2018

4 Awesome Essential Oils You Won't Want to be Without This Summer

Hooray, it’s officially summer! I’m looking forward to the warm weather and being outside more and spending time sitting by the pool watching the kids swim.  How about you? Although, I do have to admit that there are a few things about summer that can be a pain…like bugs and sunburns. 
You probably know by now that I LOVE LOVE my essential oils but you might not know that I do actually use them every single day.  I have even started hosting classes regularly, so I can get together with friends and talk about how these amazing oils work.
(Of course, all the oils I’m talking about in this post are from Young Living and are therapeutic grade.)
In my Summer Essential Oils Class, these are some of the oils that we talk about it and top my list of: 

4 Awesome Essential Oils You Won't Want to be Without This Summer


One of my favourites for summer is Purification. I love the smell.  It works great as a bug repellent but also has many more uses.  For instance, there was a grease spill in the oven the other night and boy did it smoke up my house and make everything stinky.  I quickly loaded up my diffuser with a couple drops of Purification oil and turned it on.  After about 20 minutes, the stinky smoke odour was gone. Yay!

To read more about Purification essential oil or to purchase click the image. 


Lavender is known as the Swiss Army knife of all the oils and can be used for almost anything.  If you don’t know what to use for something you can always try Lavender.  It works great for seasonal sniffles (when combined with peppermint and lemon) but also works to soothe burns and blisters

To read more about Lavender essential oil or to purchase click the image. 


Peppermint Vitality

My go-to oil for a headache or tummy troubles is peppermint.  Just the smell alone is uplifting.  Peppermint is considered a hot oil but can be used to help you cool down after a hot day too when added to a little witch hazel in a spray bottle. It's also the perfect combination to cool off tired, achy feet.  Just be sure to use a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil when applying directly to your skin.

To learn more about Peppermint Essential Oil or to purchase click the image. 

Lemon Vitality
Lemon Vitality
Lemon just screams summer.  By adding citrus oils (lemon or Citrus Fresh) to my water bottle {glass only}, not only am I encouraging myself to keep hydrated with tasty water but I’m also profiting from all the health benefits lemons give us. Not only does it boost your energy but by diffusing it in your home it can boost your mood.

Also, using Lemon essential oil in your water won't erode the enamel on your teeth.  

To learn more about Lemon Vitality Essential Oil or purchase, click the image. 

Here are some great recipes to mix up and have on hand throughout the summer:
After Sun Spray

Bug Repellant Spray

Ditch the Itch Roller

What are your favourite oils for summer?

Where to Buy Essential Oils?  

It is really important to know that you are getting therapeutic grade quality essential oils. Not all essential oils are created equal.  For more information on essential oils and why I chose Young Living - check out this link. 

Saturday, June 23, 2018

How to Choose Love When Parenting Sucks

It was a quiet moment after dinner.  My youngest two were hiding off in the fort they had built behind the couch.  My oldest was working on a story on her computer and I was sitting reading.  Just a typical moment in our home when the younger two did or said something that annoyed the oldest. 

Also typical was my 14-year-old daughter's response: "What the hell are you doing?"

Property of In The Mommy Trenches
Easier Days
We've been trying for the past year to get her to not talk like that.  Her argument - hell is not a swear word.  We disagree. 

So I reminded her that that sort of language wasn't necessary.  She glared at me and as I looked back down at my book I could see that she mouthed or muttered something I didn't
quite catch but the sense was that it was pretty negative towards me.

Now when you're a sensitive parent, like I am, this kind of thing can be crushing.  It's been a struggle for more than a year now of her beating me up one moment to fierce loving hugs the next.

Welcome to being a parent of a hormonal teenage girl on the Autism Spectrum.

I did not engage her. I chose to bite my tongue.  Something I'm having to learn to do lots. This wasn't even a major interaction and was pretty minor in comparison to some of the episodes we've had.  Yet, as I sat staring at my phone, I couldn't help but look back to 5 or 6 years ago when not only was she a lot shorter but I was also her whole world.  Love wasn't a roller coaster of conflicting emotions.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Using Essential Oils for Teens

Teenager - Yes, there's an oil for that!

I am a parent of a special needs kid who also happens to be a teenager.  Some days it's hard to know whether I'm helping the special needs kid or the teenager.  Some days it's both.  I don't blog a lot about my child's special needs.  It seems like it would be an invasion of her privacy as you can never really get rid of stuff on the world wide web and you have no idea when one day it's going to come back and bite you in the butt.

Regardless of special needs or not, today's teens have it hard and face an incredible amount of pressure.  Not only are they preparing for their future, but they have to make it through some of the most awkward times of their lives.  Throw in hormonal changes and it's no wonder they are over-stressed and tried.   

I thought I'd share some of the essential oils I use to support my teenager.


We all have emotional ups and downs and this is really something teens struggle with.  They’ve got a lot going on and a lot of pressure.  Sometimes they just need a little extra support to make it through the day. 

One really great oil for this is JOY

Thursday, May 17, 2018

6 Quick Tips for Organizing Your Kitchen

Studies show that a chaotic home can often result in a chaotic brain.

I believe this to be true.  The more clutter my husband and I have allowed into the home the more stressed out I am.  Why is it so hard to let go? I just don't know.

But I can't stand the clutter any longer.  The mess is driving me crazy.  A good friend of mine has inspired me to begin this mission of decluttering my home.  Even if it's just one small box at a time.

So this past weekend - I worked on just one room - The Kitchen.

Here are my six tips for tackling the kitchen:

#1.  Go through your cupboards, dig way back into the deepest darkest corner of your cupboards and bring out all those items you rarely or never use.  If your Great Aunt Martha gave you that hideous vase and while you may love your great aunt but hate the vase -don't hang on to.  Let it go (as Elsa would say).  The rule of thumb is if you can't actually recall having used something in the past year - it's time to let it go.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

I feel Pretty - Amy Schumer's New Movie

I went to see Amy Schumer’s new film – I Feel Pretty last night with some girlfriends.  I haven’t laughed so hard in a really long time.  Despite some of the cringe worthy embarrassing moments Amy's character gets into – the movie’s message really rang though.

It’s about a woman named Renee struggling with insecurity.  She has a bad fall and is knocked unconscious.  When she wakes up from the fall she sees herself different, believing she is the most beautiful and amazing woman just like those other “hot” girls.  Her new confidence causes her to live fearlessly until she realizes that there was no change in her appearance. 

Afterwards, we talked about what our favourite bits of the movie were and we all agreed that we’d love to be more like “Renee” – we want to pull off the confidence to be who we are unapologetically without a concern in the world for what other people think.

What stood out the most wasn’t about body sizes or looks but how that confidence is really what you need.  You can accomplish a whole hell of a lot with simple confidence.  If you believe it, those around you will too.

Too often we feel that we’re not enough.  That there is something lacking in us.  Whether that’s because of media or society or both, I don’t know.  I mean how did we get here?  Who decided what the standard of beauty is?  You would think with all the actresses speaking out against the Hollywood Beauty Standard that things would be changing.  But nope, you still see the fit, toned and often dangerously thin models selling us bikini’s and cars alike.  Sure, you’ll read about the backlash over an edited photo but guess what – editors are still editing the photos to fit that “beauty standard”.

It's not about size, it's about your health.  What looks healthy on your body can look like death and disease on another.  As I keep telling my girls - it's not about your weight, it's about your health.  How do you feel in your body.  Is your body doing what you want it to do.  Don't get caught up in the numbers or the sizes.  It definitely has not been easy trying to coach my vulnerable teen through the landmines of store sizes.  

So, thank you, Amy Schumer, for rocking your slightly above average body, for being confident in who you are and standing up for women everywhere!  PS:  thanks for making it only pg-13 so I can take my teen to it. 

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Top 5 Parenting Mistakes To Avoid

I have been a parent for almost fifteen years now.  I realize that doesn't make me an expert but it does give me some insight into this parenting gig.  After all, I have managed to parent three children out of the "child years" and into the pre-teen and teenage years.  I know I've made mistakes and plenty of them and I'll continue to make more.  As parents, we need to realize this and give ourselves a break.

After all, just when you think you have things figured out - your kids change and move on to the next stage.  So when you're struggling to understand what's going on it can be helpful to look back and assess what it is you're doing to see if maybe you need to take a different approach. 

Here are 5 parenting mistakes we should try to avoid.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Cooking with Essential Oils Part 3

If you're just coming to this post, be sure to check out the first two posts:  Cooking with Essential Oils Part 1 and Cooking with Essential Oils Part 2 for more great recipes and information.

What do Essential Oils Do?

As you begin to play around with Young Living essential oils in your kitchen, not only will you have fun as you make new discoveries, but you will be contributing to your family’s health and happiness in a new and fun way!

Essential Oils:

• Are immune enhancing
• Support the body’s natural defenses
• Support the immune, circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, nervous, and other body systems.
• Aid in maintaining normal cellular regeneration
• Are mood elevating
• Are antiseptic (topical use only)
• Are high in antioxidants
• Are aromatic
• Are oxygenating
• Boost stamina and energy
• Help you relax
• Help manage stress and frustration
• Help reduce the appearance of aging
• Improve mental clarity
• Promote overall health, vitality, and longevity
• Support normal cellular function
• Help with focus and concentration
• Encourage proper nasal function
• Support the lungs and sinuses

Time to Save $20 on Your Oils!

Friday, February 23, 2018

Cooking with Essential Oils Part 2

Everyone is talking about essential oils these days.  Essential oils can either be used aromatically, topically or internally.  In this 3 part series of posts, I will be sharing ways you can use essential oils in the kitchen along with some delicious recipes.

For part one of this post - click here.

The Economical Choice-Vitality Oils

Each drop of essential oil is loaded with concentrated aroma, flavor, and therapeutic value and can be a much more economical choice than buying expensive fresh or exotic herbs and spices that will go bad before they can be fully used.

Dill oil, for instance, costs just 19 cents per drop. You might use 1-2 drops at a time of dill oil in a salad dressing or marinade, which costs much less than a bunch of fresh dill that will go bad in a week. And your bottle of Young Living Dill Vitality essential oil will last for years as long as it’s stored with the cap tightly on and out of sunlight and extremes in temperature.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Cooking with Essential Oils Part 1

Everyone is talking about essential oils these days.  Essential oils can either be used aromatically, topically or internally.  In this 3 part series of posts, I will be sharing ways you can use essential oils in the kitchen along with some delicious recipes.

It’s About Nutrition

We live in an era where foods are high in flavor but devoid of nutritional value. In fact, artificial flavors common in processed foods and derived from petrochemical byproducts have been implicated in allergic reactions, dermatitis, eczema, hyperactivity, and asthma!

Most of us are looking to eat healthier, but we don’t want to skimp on flavor. How many reading this can relate to that?

Herbs and spices in our kitchen cabinet can add a lot of flavor and health-promoting properties to foods, but they can lose potency relatively quickly.  I can think of several spices in my cupboard right now that I’ve had for more than 3 years. 

Did you know that you can enhance the flavors of your food in a fun and healthy way using all natural products that are delicious, long-lasting and health-promoting?

Of course, I am talking about essential oils, more specifically Young Living’s Vitality Line.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

5 Tips for Keeping Your Kids Healthy

Winter image created by Lyashenko - Freepik.com
A few years ago, it seemed like my family was constantly sick.  If one kid didn't have a runny nose, then someone else was up all night puking. We'd have a few months of everything being okay and then bam another round of illness.  It got so I started researching what I could do to help improve my family's health. 

I found that by making a few small changes both in diet and habits has helped my family stay healthier over the past few years.  While we still can get colds and runny noses they generally are short-lived and I can honestly say not one of us has had a more serious case of the flu for over two years. 

#1. Probiotics - while researching how to prevent gastrointestinal bugs, I discovered that supporting the digestive system is extremely important. An easy way to do this is by supplementing with probiotics.  My kids like yogurt so I started making sure I kept a good probiotic yogurt stocked in the fridge all the time.  Bye bye tummy bugs!  

Saturday, January 6, 2018

2018 is My Year to tackle My Health Prepare to Be Amazed

2018 is My Year to tackle My Health: Prepare to Be Amazed

There's a lot of talk around this time of year about setting goals and what we can do to achieve them. I, myself, got rather an early start on my 2018 goals by starting a new health program on December 1, 2017.  I am determined that I am going to succeed this year and amaze myself like never before. 

There have been times when I questioned my sanity of starting a no sugar, low carb eating plan just 3 weeks before Christmas.  I was gifted with no less than 3 boxes of chocolates (one was ginormous) and an entire box of Italian cookies. Yi!  

Truthfully, there is no perfect time to change your eating habits.  If it's not Christmas, then it's Valentines or Easter or Halloween.  Sometimes you just have to dig deep and say "I'm going to do this now.  I need to change." 

That's what I did.  

How did I survive the gorging season?  Easily, because the results helped keep me going.  When I want to take a bite of that Nanaimo bar sitting in the back of my fridge, I remind myself of what I've accomplished. 

I am a Type II diabetic on two kinds of diabetes medication, high blood pressure meds and high cholesterol.  I've been struggling with diabetes for over 7 years.  My high blood pressure rose when I was in labor with my son and never went normal again.  Ten years ago!

Yet, in just 5 short weeks I've managed to bring my blood pressure under control, my blood sugar is amazing and I've lost 21 pounds.  My medication has been reduced drastically and I expect to be off all of it within the next two weeks.  

So that, my friends, is worth not having that Nanaimo bar or box of cookies.  It's worth not eating bread or using butter.  For the first time in 14 years, I weigh less than when I first started having children. 

My clothes are looser and my overall outlook is more positive because for the first time I am actually succeeding.  It's amazing how just being successful at this one thing in my life has helped me be more positive.  Hence the 2018 Resolutions post I wrote a couple of days ago. 

Why am I successful now when I've failed so many times in the past.  I don't know.  Maybe the timing was just right.  Maybe my doctor scared me with talk of increasing my medication.  I don't know. 

Whatever the reason, 2018 is my year to tackle my health goals.   The year to be a newer, better me. 

How about you?  Is 2018 your year? 


Friday, January 5, 2018

Young Living January 2018 Promotions

Young Living is setting us up for success with fantastic January FREE gifts!

➕ 5 ml Spearmint Vitality (ER exclusive): Who has some weight management goals this year? Support your metabolism with this vitality oil by adding a couple drops to your water, tea or Ningxia.

Wonderful for the digestive system, this is a family favorite in our house. It is not as hot to the skin as peppermint so topically we use on kids’ tummies.

This is a MUST have for pregnant mamas experiencing some of those morning (or all day) tummy woes! Rub a few drops over your liver before you get out of bed in the morning. And it's just a yummy vitality oil to mix with any of your fave citrus vitalities for some added minty freshness.