; window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-6252405-9'); In the Mommy Trenches: 2017

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Young Living's September 2017 Promotion!

If you've been on the fence about starting in with essential oils - now is the perfect time to jump.  Young Living has extended their September promotion of 10% off  a Premium Starter Kit to September 23rd - that's $20.00 off the price of the kit.  

The Premium Starter Kit with DewDrop (PSK) is the ultimate foundation for your wellness journey, with eleven premium essential oils and blends, a home diffuser and more, the PSK includes everything you need to get started on the path to whole-life wellness as an oiler, business builder or both!

If you do decide to purchase a premium starter kit using my sponsor link you will also from me: 
  • Essential Oils Resource Guide
  • an free introductory e-course covering essential oil basics
  • access to the Oily Tipsters Facebook Group for essential oil information and support (we all love to talk about oils and the ways we use them personally to support our health)
  • 99 Ways to Use your Starter Kit 
and for a limited time only - if you make your purchase by September 23rd - you will also receive a shipping rebate in the form of a paypal or email transfer in the amount of $20.00.  (please note rebate will be issued approximately 2 weeks after verified purchase is made)

If you are ready to purchase a starter kit - Here's how

1.  Head over the Young Living page here and fill out your information.

2.  Be sure the "wholesale member" option is checked so that you don't end up paying retail prices.

3.  Be sure the "sponsor id" and "enroller id" say 3156589 (so I can send you your freebies!)

4.  Select which starter kit you want to get.  My recommendation is the Premium Starter Kit because there are oils there that you'll use everyday and combined with a fantastic oil diffuser it's such a great deal.

5. Go through the check-out process and pick the kit right for you!

6. Leave a comment on this blog - letting me know you purchased the premium starter kit and I'll get in touch with you for more information to send out your freebies!

Please note this offer is valid in Canada only!  Sorry my U.S. friends - Young Living has a different set of September promotions for you. 

So who's ready to get oily? 

Monday, September 11, 2017

Back to School Essentials - Calming Play-dough

My kids love to play with play-dough.  It's amazing how creative they can be. They make hair salons, create amazing these amazing meals they invite me to "try" and all kinds of wacky animals.  One thing they hate though is old, crusty play-dough that has the colours all mixed up.  Thankfully, play-dough ingredients are cheap and it's so easy to make. 

This particular play-dough recipe I use when we've had a stressful morning and just need a break from learning and a time to just be present.   By giving them something they enjoy doing gives them a chance to be quiet without much effort and the addition of the essential oils helps add a soothing layer.  Plus it smells so great!!

Here's a little video we put together on how to make our version of calm-down, play-dough

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Reclaim Your House After Kids Go Back To School

Reclaim Your House After Kids Go Back To School
Guest Post by Tracy McCubbin, Founder, dClutterfly

Non-Profit Website: http://onekidoneworld.org/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tracy_mccubbin
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tracy_mccubbin/

It’s the most wonderful time of the year -- time to send the kids back to school and reclaim your household!  After a summer of camps and goofing around inside, your house may need a little tough love to get back into shape for the fall.  Research shows that the average American home has 300,000 items in it, and back-to-school is the perfect time to get rid of the ones that you don’t need anymore.

As the kids head back to school and you take the steps to get your house back and order, I’m sharing ten of my favorite tips and tricks to declutter and organize your home this fall:

1.            Pull out all the homework and artwork from the previous school year. Before the onslaught of this school year’s homework and artwork, make sure you have decluttered last year’s. We all know Little Timmy is smart as a whip, but you don't need to keep every piece of homework he brings. Homework has one purpose and one purpose only: to help kids learn. It's not to be immortalized in boxes in the garage that you'll never look it. Empty backpacks, desk drawers and those piles you've been meaning to tackle and pick the best of the best. Save the things that are substantial and remind you who they were at the time in their lives.  As for artwork, how many turkey hands does one family need? Pare down to a small but great representation of their masterpieces and let the rest go.  Take photos if you just can't bare to let them go.  You might want to also consider making art books out of the artwork.  A crayon self portrait looks so much better in a book for the long run than in a box in your garage. You can make them yourself with any number of apps but if you need a little help, I love Souvenartebooks!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

6 Tips to Encourage Your Kids to Eat Healthier

At some point in time, every parent has gone through the food wars with their child.  Whether it’s from the beginning of refusing the bottle or breast or they turn up their noses at fruit and vegetables.  For most of us – our picky eaters eventually outgrow their pickiness and expand their repertoire of foods.

I’m know that I’m lucky that my children actually love most fruit and vegetables.  If I have fruit available, they will eat it.  However, with a special needs child in the house, meal prep can become a huge problem.  Especially when that child has become a full-fledged teenager and no longer willing to be guided; however reluctantly, away from poor choices.  It also doesn’t help when her “won’t eat” foods changes frequently.  I just get into the groove of making potatoes one way when she announces she will only eat potatoes if there are made a different way. 

I swear having a special needs child was all about teaching me to become more flexible!  Believe me, it’s an ongoing learning process but here’s my take on how to get your kids to eat healthy.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Ditch and Switch - Simple Steps to a Toxin Free Home

What if you could ditch all the toxins in everyday products that you use and switch to toxin-free products? You are already buying these products at your local department store.... so why not earn 20% back in purchases that are healthier for your family's well-being? 

Join me on June 12th at 7:00 p.m. (PST) on Facebook from the comfort of your own couch to learn more about how you can replace the toxic chemicals in your home to toxin-free products so you can live a chemical free life!  

For more information on the event and to RSVP click here

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

I'm listing to my son make a YouTube video right now.  Apparently, he's doing the sour candy challenge.  Every time he falls off his "skateboard" online he has to eat an extreme sour warhead candy.  I've seen him play.  He's going to run out of candy.  The funniest part of him playing these games though is listening him narrate the game while he's playing.  He's trying to play it extremely cool and nonchalant but it cracks me up.  It's like he's talking to a cooler version of himself.

Last night he and his sister did the same challenge playing another game while recording it.  They still had sores in their mouths when they woke up this morning.  Sometimes you just gotta let them do stupid things.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

5 Tips to Save You From Being Hacked

computer hacker clipart free
We had a devastating blow just before Christmas.  Perhaps devastating isn't exactly the right word. After all, it was only money we lost, not a life.  Yet, it's been money we had been saving for over 9 years.  You see, we had one of those travel reward credit cards.  Through the good times and bad times and well, let's face it the last 9 years have been lean times for us so every time we added to our reward points, it gave us hope that we'd be able to take our children to Disneyland one day.

That was all wiped out this past December, when we discovered that our account had been hacked and some random stranger drained our entire rewards account to nothing.  We are talking about $6,000.00 absolutely gone.  I can tell you it knocked the wind right out of me.  My husband and I were in complete disbelief as we processed what happened.  We tipped-toed around the children, frantic whispered conversations, as we tried to keep them from hearing the terrible news.

How did it happen?  My email account was hacked.  That's it.  By somehow guessing my password, the thief was able to go through my emails and glean little pieces of information that would guide them on best how to steal from me.

Not only was my rewards credit card hacked, they also managed to log into my rarely used Ebay account and set up a number of fake auctions.  In that case Ebay was suspicious and shut down the auctions.  Can you imagine the liability I would have been under if the auctions had been allowed to go through?